We hope you enjoy learning the numbers in Spanish, and don't forget to send us your comments and suggestions. Our trusty pattern can then be utilized to figure out any other number in between: cuarenta y uno (41), sesenta y dos (62), ochenta y ocho (88), noventa y cuatro (94), etc. All that are left to memorize are th e numbers corresponding to las decenas (the multiples of ten), in other words: veinte (20), treinta (30), cuarenta (40), cincuenta (50), sesenta (60), setenta (70), ochenta (80), noventa (90), and cien (100). Contents hide Learn Spanish Numbers Spanish Numbers 1 to 10 Spanish Numbers 1 to 100 Pronouncing Spanish Numbers Examples Related Learn Spanish Numbers Spanish numbers are similar to English but with a different pronunciation. The good news is that, after treinta (30), the previous spelling returns, and you can once again use the basic pattern: thirty-one is "t reinta y uno, " forty-eight is "cuarenta y ocho, " etc.

Voilá! The number sixteen is therefore spelled dieciséis while twenty-four is veinticuatro. The pattern is that, while the numbers sixteen through nineteen employ the prefix dieci (rather than diez y) followed by six through nine, the digits twenty-one through twenty-nine use " veinti " (not " veinte y ") plus the numbers one through nine. " Right? Well, almost!Ī little trick will help you to learn to spell the names of the numbers sixteen through nineteen as well as twenty-one through twenty-nine correctly. Although those numbers were previously spelled as two words, their modern spellings are now preferred: Sixteen is written " dieciséis, " nineteen is " diecinueve, " twenty-nine is " veintinueve, " and so on. " Similarly, if twenty is veinte and four is cuatro, then twenty-four must be " veinte y cuatro. For example, if ten is diez, and six is seis, then sixteen will be " diez y seis. You will then notice that there is a basic pattern to form the following digits: simply take diez (10) or veinte (20) and follow them with y plus the corresponding single digit to form your desired number. The numbers from eleven through twenty-nine also require some memorization, specifically those from eleven through fifteen, which are as follows: once (11), doce (12), trec e (13), catorc e (14), and quince (15).

We suggest that you practice them by saying them out loud a number of times. These you do need to memorize, and the numbers from one to ten are as follows: uno (1), dos (2), tres (3), cuatro (4), cinco (5), seis (6), siete (7), ocho (8), nueve (9), and diez (10). While you will see that it isn't really necessary to memorize every digit from one to one hundred, we'll give you a couple of tips to keep in mind. If you’re learning Spanish, one of the best ways to learn is to set small, achievable, and specific goals – so let’s start with the Spanish numbers 1 to 10.Learning the numbers from one to one hundred in Spanish is a very straightforward task. In fact, our friends at El Aula Azul created a very useful video to aid us with the basics. That’s why we’ve compiled a handy chart for Spanish numbers translation that includes every number from 1 to 100. One of the fundamentals of learning any language is learning to count. Learn to count – Spanish numbers 1 to 100 For those same words, it’s pronounced instead as a ‘th’ sound (like ‘thanks’ or ‘thermometer’) in Spain. The biggest pronunciation change you need to know when it comes to counting in Spanish is that, in Spanish speaking countries in the Americas, the letter ‘c’ is pronounced as an ‘s’ sound in when it comes before an ‘e’ or an ‘i’. However, it’s easy enough to understand both if you know the differences between Spanish in Spain and the Americas. In this article, we’ll teach you the Spanish numbers to 100.īefore we begin, it’s important to note that these numbers will sound a little different in Spain than they do in Latin America. Learning Spanish? Well, you’re smart to make sure you know your Spanish numbers.Īfter all, numbers are essential for getting around in the world – whether you need to tell a waiter to bring three glasses for your bottle of wine or simply want to know how much a jumper costs.