You’ve led an interesting life.” “That’s a lie and you know it!” “Grampa, why don’t you tell us a story.The sharpened teeth on the evil Krusty doll are a nice touch.Exhibit B: “You see, there are some crybabies out there, religious types mostly, who might be offended.”.Not just for Lunchlady Doris, but because if there’s one thing Zombie Simpsons needs, it’s a good script supervisor.
I was amazed that a man that acted that well was also a pro golfer.

It’s such a great moment for his character, he’s instantly both unhappy and determined to continue. I love Ned’s resigned “Okay”, after Homer bounces back into the house.The Simpsons had unlimited respect for faith, but did nothing but brutally mock organized religion. This episode is Exhibit A for why religious people should never praise this show.For all our non-American readers out there, the little “D” on the (1991!) penny Homer finds means that the penny was made at the mint in Denver.Lovejoy’s line about the badly damaged card table was written by someone with a lot of familiarity with church bulletins.Even the resolution, where they make it explicit, never feels heavy handed. This episode is exquisitely plotted, Marge and Homer’s troubles are neatly done through Blanche and Stanley.The music from “The Great Escape” is perfect here.It works much better by just alluding to the violence. We never see Marge draw blood, but we don’t need to. The bloody bandage on Ned’s chest is just another example of how much thought and care they put into everything.I’m still too sober to be able to blot Zombie Simpsons from my mind, but compare this to that execrable and bizarre speech they had Maggie give a couple of years ago. Oh how I adore the Ayn Rand School for Tots.“Tonight, my reign as Miss American Girl comes to an end, and I’d like to apologize one last time for my unfortunate remarks at the United Nations.”.Gotta give it up for Meryl Streep, they made that joke about her fragrance “Versatility” in 1992, and she’s just kept it up for twenty more years.Black yelling at the bullies, everything has jokes. Even lines that are basically plot points, Bart’s rant against Krusty, Mr. It remains amazing just how many jokes they manage in each line. Rather than say this same thing over and over all day, I’ll just say it now.Can you actually bake jelly beans? Google Image search says you can.“Spare me your euphemisms, it’s fat camp for daddy’s chubby little secret.”.Homer is such an awesomely terrible father in this episode, what with the hard work/lottery speech and, of course, having Bart reach for the roller skate in the running lawnmower.It was years after I first saw this episode that I got Bart’s 36-24-36 locker combination joke.Click here for an explanation of how this all works, and let’s get started. I am looking forward, at 2:30ish this afternoon, to watching Homer struggle with his drinking problem after I’ve downed 16 beers alone. Good morning everyone and welcome to the third Simpsons-Beer marathon! The mob has spoken and has acclaimed Season 4 as its champion. Mister ‘I don’t need alcohol to enjoy life’.” – Moe